Heba Al-Labadi, 24, has been held without charge in the Al-Damon detention center. (Photo: via Facebook)
A Palestinian woman was sentenced to five months of “administrative detention” after she was detained en route to the occupied West Bank region on August 20, the Palestinian Detainees Committee said.
Heba Al-Labadi, a 24-year-old Palestinian woman with Jordanian citizenship, has been held without charge in the Al-Damon detention center, the Palestinian Detainees Committee said in a statement on September 25.
israeli occupation military court sentenced the jordanian citizen heba al-labadi to 5 months of administrative detention at al-damon detention center, also continues to detain her and prevent her family from visiting her.#GroupPalestine #قروب_فلسطيني https://qudsnen.co/israel-sends-female-jordanian-citizen-to-administrative-detention/ …
“Israel” sends female Jordanian citizen to administrative detention
Occupied West Bank (QNN) – The Israeli occupation’s military court sentenced the Jordanian citizen Heba…
According to the human rights monitoring group B’Tselem, administrative detention is the incarceration without trial or charge. It has no time limit, and the evidence on which it is based is not disclosed.
Labadi, who was traveling with her mother to a wedding in occupied Nablus, has not been charged with any crime and her family has been denied a reason for the detention.
In response to her detention, however, Labadi began a hunger strike on September 24th, which is now on its eighth day.
The Israeli military court extends the detention of the Jordanian citizen Heba al-Labadi as a preparatory step prior to sentencing her to administrative detention, and prevents her family from visiting her. (1/2)
Sources close to the Quds News Network said that Labadi was subjected to an “arduous investigation at the Israeli intelligence detention center of Petah Tikva.
She was reportedly subjected to physical torture which included shabeh (shackling the detainee’s hands and legs to a small chair, angled to slant forward so that the detainee cannot sit in a stable position) and sleep deprivation.”
(TeleSur, PC, Social Media)