A Palestinian hostage is interviewed about the torture tactics of “israel”

A Palestinian hostage is interviewed about the torture tactics of “israel”. He discussed how both arms and legs were shackled for 24 hours. That includes even during the times they were allowed to sleep.
Every imaginable torture technique was inflicted on them with electricity being a regular part of it. And it also included the use of dogs. Clearly from his condition we can see the denial of food and water was part of this torture as well. They were not even allowed to use the bathroom.
Some hostages are kept in cages so small they can’t even stand or stretch in. Others are kept in rooms where they have to stay in a crouched position at all times. Medical treatment was not provided. It is no wonder many of the hostages leave unalived.
Remember there are just under 10,000 Palestinian hostages in “Israeli” dungeons with some of them being children. Countless hostages are being held captive with their families not knowing where they are or if they’re even alive.

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