Author: v1admin

Pressure Israel to Free Nael Barghouthi, Longest-Held Palestinian Prisoner

Palestinian prisoner Nael Barghouthi, 59 has been imprisoned for 36 years in Israeli jails, and he is the longest-held Palestinian political prisoner. Today, on the basis of so-called “secret evidence,” he is threatened with the re-imposition of life imprisonment with no charges and no legitimate trial. Along with over 1,000 fellow prisoners, he was released […]

Number of Palestinian minors in Israeli prisons doubles in 2016

Addameer: Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association released a documentary short film produced by Odeh Film titled “Precarious Childhood: Arrests of Jerusalemite Children.” The video depicts the lives of several Jerusalemite families whose children are taken by force, arrested and imprisoned by Israel. The children narrate their experiences of arrest, interrogation, and treatment by Israeli […]

Palestinians suffer under tough conditions in Israeli prisons

Cold weather and heavy rain are causing “catastrophic conditions” inside the cells in which Palestinians are being held by Israel in Etzion Prison, the Palestinian Detainees’ and Ex-Detainees’ Affairs Commission reported on Thursday. Rainwater, it is alleged, has flooded the cells, soaking prisoners’ bedding and clothing. Lawyer Hussain Al-Sheikh toured the prison recently on behalf […]

New attack on Rasmea Odeh as U.S. Attorney levels new charges against Palestinian American ex-prisoner, torture survivor

Today, U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade announced that a grand jury she had empaneled returned a new, superseding indictment against Rasmea Odeh for unlawful procurement of naturalization. This new indictment, just four weeks before her retrial, is a vicious attack by prosecutors desperate after a series of setbacks in their case against the Chicago-based Palestinian American […]

Palestinian prisoners’ leader Bilal Kayed released today in victory secured in 71-day hunger strike

Palestinian prominent former hunger striker and leader of the prisoners’ movement Bilal Kayed was released today, Monday, 12 December, after 15 years in Israeli prisons to the cheers and salutes of his family, friends and comrades in his home village of Asira al-Shamaliyeh, throughout Palestine and internationally. Kayed, 35, conducted a 71-day hunger strike in […]