Buku ini merakamkan pengalaman 22 orang rakyat Palestin yang pernah berada di bawah tahanan pihak Israel. Mereka dibebaskan di bawah perjanjian di antara Israel dengan Hamas pada tahun 2011, yang menyaksikan pertukaran seorang tentera Israel, Gilad Shalit, dengan 1,027 orang tahanan Palestin.
Buku versi Bahasa Malaysia ini telah dilancarkan pada bulan April 2015, sempena Hari Tahanan Palestin yang diadakan pada 17 April tiap-tiap tahun.
Translated by: Nadia Emily Abdul Hamid
About the Editor
NORMA HASHIM – Full Time Social Activist, Treasurer at Viva Palestina Malaysia, Vice President of The International Union of Braille Quran Services, Founder and Trustee of Al-Fitrah Foundation, Treasurer and Committee Member at The Calistro Prize
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Newspaper Article
‘Some days, you wish you were dead’
– NEW SUNDAY TIMES, May 10, 2015
From his demeanour, you can’t tell that Palestinian Magdi Anro has been held in Israeli prisons since aged 16. There is certain calmness in him although when he talks about his family, you can sense his longing for the home that he can no longer set his foot in.
His story is not much different from other long-serving Palestinians freed from Israeli jails in exchange for soldiers. Hundreds of men, women and children were captured illegally…VIEW ALL